Sunday, April 9, 2023

Sermon Text for April 9, 2023 - "Be Alive Again!"

 “Be Alive Again!”

April 9, 2023


            Dear brothers and sisters, grace and peace be to you from God our Father, and from our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, Amen.

            Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! And it’s so wonderful that we’re all here this morning. Whether you’ve been coming regularly throughout the year, or whether this is the first time you’ve been here this year, we’re really glad and excited you’re here! We also encourage all of you to stick around and visit afterwards. We’re just all really happy to have you all here, because having you here makes today even more special. So, we want everyone to stay afterwards to help make this day even greater than it already is.

Today we are all gathered together, as we do every year, to celebrate Jesus’ resurrection. But we also have to remember that we are not simply here to remember some sort of historical event, that happened long ago: Jesus rising again from the dead means something for us right here, right now! He is with us, just as much as we are with each other. We’re here to spend time with Jesus, which is why we’re also encouraged to spend time with each other – to make the time real and special. On the one hand, Jesus’ resurrection is like something that happened in the past, say, the signing of the Declaration of Independence, that still impacts us today; but the difference is, it impacts us in a different way, because the signers of the Declaration of Independence no longer exist, and so what they did only exists in memory. But with Jesus it’s different: Jesus is alive right now, and so who He is and what He did is not just some historical memory – it’s something that impacts us right now! Why? Because Jesus lives forever! He died a real physical death, where He stopped breathing, His body shut down completely, and it seemed like there was no coming back. And even though He had told His disciples repeatedly that He was going to be handed over to be crucified, and that He would rise again after three days, they still didn’t understand. So when He died, they were lost, sad, and confused, and, it was hard for them to believe that Jesus was alive. Yet, as we hear in today’s Gospel reading, He came out of the tomb in a dramatic way, with an angel rolling the stone away, and then appearing to the women who had come to prepare His body for burial – not needed, since He was physically alive again. In other words – don’t be dead in your fear and sadness, because you think Jesus is dead. Be alive again, live in joy and hope, because you know, and you believe, Jesus is alive! 

            Since Jesus is alive, it’s time for us to be alive again! Now is the moment for us to wake up and shake off everything that’s held us back and held us down for so long. Jesus couldn’t be held down by death, and He was victorious over it – so we can’t be held down by anything trying to keep us down, because Jesus has already defeated it! It’s time for us to be who we are, and who we’ve always been meant to be, again: people who no longer live in fear and negativity because of what could happen, but who live in hope and optimism because of what is happening: Jesus is alive, and He is making everything better! 

It’s also time for the Church, the whole body of Christ, to be alive again, especially after the effects of the pandemic, and everything else that’s happened in the world. Church families all over the country, and all over the world, have had to struggle with pandemic conditions, lower attendance, lower giving because of economic and attendance realities, increased expenses, political and social divisions. But here’s the reality: now the world needs us, the Church, more than ever. The world needs to hear some good news with all the bad news that’s been going on: that things are going to be better because Jesus is alive and reigns supreme over all the world. And if everyone is able to focus on Jesus and follow Jesus, then there will be an end to fear, ignorance, hatred, violence, division, and injustice – with the Church setting the example for the rest of the world and being able to change the rest of the world as we are changed and go out into the world. But the Church needs to get back on track and focus on Jesus again, in order to help the rest of the world focus on Jesus. So we, the Church, are to be committed to our true purpose and calling: following Jesus, becoming like Jesus, and bringing people to saving faith in Jesus.

Today you’re invited to commit your life to Jesus. You’ve spent most of your life coming to church, coming to worship services like these. But have you ever taken a moment to think about why you’re here? And do you really believe it? Everything Jesus did, dying and rising again, He did for you personally. That means accepting that Jesus sacrificed Himself for your sins, shed His blood to make you clean, died to save you from death, and rose again to give you eternal life. So, does it mean anything for you personally? Jesus being alive does mean something for you: it means whatever is happening in your life, there is always someone in control, looking out for you, ready to help you at any moment. It also means that all your sins are forgiven, everything you’ve ever done has been wiped clean and forgotten, and you can have a fresh start and a new beginning for your life. And especially if you are looking to start your life over again, now’s the perfect opportunity, because if you commit your life to Jesus today, He will give you that new start you’re looking for.

But what’s keeping you from committing your life to Jesus? Perhaps there’s been some hangup or prejudice that’s been keeping you from listening to Jesus, and hearing what He wants to tell you. Well, you’re encouraged today: turn off the noise! Because that’s all it is – noise, distracting you from listening to Jesus. Maybe you have a lot else going on in your life right now, and your personal relationship with Jesus hasn’t been at the forefront of your mind. Think about this: everything else you’re involved in right now will either change or disappear. But your relationship with Jesus will always remain the same, and He will still be committed to you. Maybe you think you’re not good enough, for any reason, to call yourself a Christian or a believer in Jesus. Well, here’s some good news: being a Christian doesn’t depend on how good you are, but only on the fact that Jesus died and rose again for you and has accepted you just as you are. Whatever you feel guilty about, Jesus has forgiven you. If any of you want to talk more about what committing your life to Jesus means for you, or if you need prayer for any reason, feel free to talk with me after the service. In the meantime, you’re invited to take a moment to close your eyes. Now, bring to mind anything that’s been weighing you down, causing you worry, or holding you back. Imagine you’re holding it in your hands. Now, turn your palms upward, and pray, in your own way, for Jesus to take it from you. Let go of it and give it up to Him. And, as you come forward in a few minutes to receive Communion at the altar, after you go back to your seat, you are invited to pray, again, in your own way, to commit your mind and heart to Jesus. You are encouraged to invite Jesus into your life, to get to know Him in a way you probably never have before and give yourself to Him. Jesus died and rose again for you – now the best way to thank Him for what He’s done for you personally, is by committing your life to Him, personally, today.

            Now may the peace of God, which passes all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus our Lord, Amen.

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