Our Leaders

All Members of St. Andrew Lutheran Church, Ministers

Rev. Jonathan R. Kibler, Senior Pastor

Rev. Larry Lindstrom, Pastor Emeritus

Darlene Dale, Parish Administrator/Secretary

Connie Izor, Music Director/Organist

Don Ney, Choir Director

Debbie Izor, Custodian

Church Council 2024
Tom Izor, Chairperson

TBD, Assistant Chairperson

Angie Oblinger, Recording Secretary

Karen McNabb, Treasurer

Deborah Coyle, Financial Secretary

Debbie Gustin and Debbie Izor, Elders

Tom Arnold, Bruce Gephart, Jason Izor, and Mark Latvala, Deacons

Ron Dale, Terry Gustin, Steve McNabb, Don Ney, and Daryl Weller, Trustees

Shannon Latvala, Sunday School Superintendent

Connie Izor, Assistant Sunday School Superintendent

Christian Oblinger, Mark Latvala, and Steve McNabb, Endowment Fund Trustees