Thursday, March 12, 2020

Our Response to the COVID-19 Outbreak

Dear Friends:
Along with many faith communities in our area, state, and nation, we are taking the ongoing threat of the Coronavirus seriously, particularly considering Governor DeWine's recent decree of emergency, as well as President Trump's speech and recommendations. Therefore, to uphold the health and safety of our church family and community, we are implementing the following practices for public worship:
1. Greeters will no longer be shaking hands. Additionally, we encourage everyone to find alternative means of greeting each other, and being sensitive to each other's health concerns. Pastor Jon will also be refraining from shaking hands.
2. Use of the common cup will be suspended until the emergency is lifted. Instead, we will be using individual cups exclusively.
3. The Passing of the Peace will be omitted from the Communion Sunday liturgy.
4. Pre-packaged Communion wafers will be utilized, rather than homebaked bread.
5. Pastor Jon, the Assisting Ministers, and Deacons will be wearing disposable gloves while preparing and distributing Communion.
6. We too, along with others, recommend frequent hand-washing, covering sneezes and coughs, the use of hand sanitizer, and coughing into elbows.
7. In the event that this pandemic worsens, Pastor Jon will be limiting visits to emergencies only.
We pray for God's mercy in bringing this pandemic to a swift end; for all those currently suffering or who have tested positive for the virus; and for the families and friends of those who have died. May God be gracious to us all.

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