You are invited to our Midweek Lenten Suppers and Services this year! Each Wednesday in Lent, starting March 12th, we will be gathering for a meal together at 6:30 P.M., with an informal worship service at 7:15 P.M. afterwards. All events will take place in the Fellowship Hall.
Our theme for this year is "The Great I Am"; We will be looking at different places in the Bible where God tells us who He is.
March 12 - "I Am Who I Am"
Text: Exodus 3:1-14
March 19 - "I Am Your God"
Text: Isaiah 41:10; 43:10
March 26 -"I Am the Light of the World"
Text: John 8:12-20
April 2 - "I Am the Good Shepherd"
Text: John 10:11-18
April 9 - "I Am the Resurrection and the Life"
Text: John 11:17-27
Join us for food and friendship this Lent! We look forward to seeing you!
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